Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Prayers Go Where Your Feet Cannot

The wrath of God will cost somebody their life. It will either cost the unreached peoples their lives for eternity(Oh, God let it not be so), or it will cost us Christians our earthly lives in missionary service (to live is Christ and to die is gain).

Here is the question: Dare we be so in love with our lives in this world that we will stand back while THREE BILLION lose their souls and their lives in the world to come?
I believe it was Adrian Rogers who used to say, "The gospel is only good news if it gets there in time." The wrath of God upon the world means we need to be urgent in getting the gospel there in time.

                                                    It is a fact that the gospel saves.
These numbers of Bible-less peoples is what broke our hearts and forced us to abandon our lives and come to where ever God would have us. We came to a cross-road: If we truly believe what we say we believe and we truly love Jesus Christ as our all satisfying treasure then we do not have a choice. We must go.

We need your prayers for our family. We need your prayers for Africa. We need your prayers for our language projects that are taking place all over Africa. These people need to learn to read their heart language and they need the complete Bible.

Please commit to pray for our family to have longevity on the field.

Please pray for our health.

Please pray for us as we disciple children and young people on the weekends.

Pray that we would be intentional to share Christ with someone every day.

Pray that our prayer walks through out the community would bear fruit.

Pray that our hours spent in study and prayer each day would encourage our daily walk as we are without pastoral support and counseling.

Pray that Jesus become so famous that it outshines the great darkness that blankets.

Until Everyone Has Heard,

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